Help Reimagine Downtown D.C.

Gathering public feedback is a critical part of the Downtown Action Plan. Let us know your thoughts by sharing ideas on topics such as housing, green space, transportation, sanitation, public art, and more. We welcome all ideas, big and small, and encourage creativity.

Submit your idea through this form, or scroll below to submit through an interactive map. NOTE: We will be closing the feedback form on Friday, September 8.

If you would like to target your suggestion to a specific area of downtown, use this map to reference the pink-shaded area, which represents the geographic focus of the Action Plan, as defined in Mayor Bowser’s Comeback Plan.

By clicking somewhere on the map, you will see a gray circle appear (this will automate a latitude/longitude on the feedback form).

Afterward, you can select the “Submit to access feedback form” button to provide your idea.

Contact us.